JCCO Scholarships
Traditional Scholarships
Technical Scholarships
Scholarship Programs
Traditional Scholarships
The JCCO, regular college scholarship fund, is generated by donations of purchasing tables at our community banquet event. Individuals and business able to acquire a table will grow our next year’s scholarship fund. We provide graduates of Jackson County Georgia $1000.00 scholarships that are sent directly to the school they will be attending. We strictly provide these scholarships from table donations to our annual community banquet in December of each year.
When your company or family commits to buying a table, for $400.00, at our annual banquet what you are providing is the opportunity to touch more lives. Each year of growth we can provide more scholarships and so far each year the number of total awards granted has grown.
Knowing that we are a volunteer organization gives you the peace of mind that 100% of what you donate to the JCCO will go to provide scholarships for college.

How can you help?
There are two significant ways you can help out JCCO and make a difference for a deserving graduating student from one of the Jackson County high schools.
One way is to volunteer time to the JCCO group as a whole. JCCO is an all-volunteer civic group that needs your help to accomplish our overall mission.
Another way to help is through donating money to our overall efforts. We have an endowment fund and our annual event where you can get a table for your company or group. This yearly event provides direct resources to our traditional college scholarships. The endowment fund was established to ensure that we continue to provide for the educational needs of the county going forward. We use the endowment fund interest revenue to give the scholarships to out technical college scholarship fund.